You want to remove older Adobe software completely.You have already tried repairing or uninstalling the Creative Cloud desktop app, but still can’t update or install your Creative Cloud app.Use the Creative Cloud Cleaner tool after taking steps (such as making backups of relevant folders) in the case of these issues. When to use Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool Go over the list and make sure that all recommended backups and precautions are done before running the Adobe creative cloud cleaner tool.Make sure that you have a copy of the older app available on a disk or other media so that you can reinstall it after you have uninstalled it. Adobe only has the most recent version of its Creative Cloud apps for download, and no longer has older versions available for download. If you have an older version of Adobe apps and you plan on removing and reinstalling it, ensure that you have a means of reinstalling it.Save the copies where you back up the products. This will include third-party plugins and preferences. Save a copy of all content stored in the Adobe product folders.The processes that may be in the background are: To do this press Ctrl + Alt + Del and go to the Task manager, select the app, and press end process. Look for and close any Adobe apps and processes that may be running in the background.C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Adobe\AdobeSync\CoreSync.

There are two sets of files that you should save a copy of, they are:.Close Adobe Desktop Serviceand Core Sync in Task manager.Files that are not synced to the Creative cloud will be lost. Make sure that all the files are synced before you run the Adobe creative cloud cleaner tool. Check sync status – Check the sync status of the files in the creative cloud desktop app.Backing up your log files will make it easier for Adobe customer care to help you if you run into an error with the Adobe creative cloud cleaner tool. Run the Log collector tool – Running the Log collector tool will back up your log files.Be sure to make the necessary backup of important files, folders, and preferences. To avoid potential data loss there are a few things to do before running the Adobe creative cloud cleaner tool. Checklist before using Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool The tool will remove installation records for Adobe Creative Cloud or Adobe Creative Suite applications that may have become corrupted or may be causing problems with a new installation. It fixes problems files and issues in registry keys. It is used to clean up corrupted installations. The Adobe creative cloud cleaner tool is for users with more advanced computer knowledge. How to use Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool It can remove old Adobe software, clean corrupt installation files, and fix host files to establish a connection with the Adobe server. The Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool is for advanced computer users.